Jelly Jamm Wiki

Rita is one of the main characters of Jelly Jamm and is the youngest character of them all. One moment Rita is the model of a cute, little, well-mannered girl, sitting patiently dressing her favorite doll Princess. The next moment she’s using Princess to hammer a nail into the floor. Rita’s appetite for experience takes her from 0 to 60 in a millisecond, zooming past the caution signs. Rita loves to pet dodos, sometimes a bit too firmly. Luckily, they are faster than her. She loves tea parties and playing with her doll princess. Her favorite people are the Queen and Bello. Those are the two she most aspires to be. She's also best friends with Bubbles.(voiced by Isabella Blake-Thomas (UK), Sam Lavagnino (US), Tara Strong (US on Disney Junior)).


